Health IQ

Do you do things like average 8 hours of sleep per night? Eat a quality, plant-based diet? Exercise four or more times per week? Then basically, you’re doing everything right to ensure you live a long life. Isn’t it time you be financially rewarded for your commitment to a healthy lifestyle? The problem is, historically, and rather ironically, the health-conscious have overpaid and subsidized those who are less health-conscious. It’s not a conspiracy – it’s just how life insurance works. Introducing Health IQ. Health IQ uses science & data to secure lower rates for people like YOU on their life insurance. If you’re a runner or a cyclist; or you’re into Crossfit or another type of exercise – even a committed weekend warrior; if you’re a vegetarian or vegan; then you deserve to be rewarded for your hard work with more affordable life insurance rates. Health IQ can save you up to 41% because physically active people have significantly lower risks for heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. But don’t think you need to be a marathon runner or Olympic athlete to qualify. You might be surprised how qualified you already are! And Health IQ is not just a lead generator. They take the customer through the entire process of applying with concierge service, and the policy is underwritten by one of their top insurance partners. BUT – these savings are exclusive to Health IQ – you won’t find them anywhere else and you must qualify to get a special rate. To see if you qualify, go to to take the proprietary Health IQ quiz. Depending upon your score, as well as other related qualifying factors, you can save up to 41% on your life insurance premiums compared to other providers. There’s no commitment, and you’ll learn even more about potential opportunities to be rewarded for your commitment to living healthy!

FinancesForrest Burgess