Warby Parker

Warby Parker is on a mission to bring high-quality, attractive prescription eyewear to the masses with convenience and at a fraction of the cost of those over-priced boutiques. And the way you pick out a favorite pair of frames is revolutionary too! With their Free Home Try-On program, you go to their website, pick out up to 5 frames you’d like to try and get them shipped to you for free. Wear them, live in them, ask your friends and loved ones about them, then return the frames with an enclosed postage-paid return label after 5 days. There’s no obligation to buy! Glasses start at $95, including prescription lenses. Lenses include anti-glare and anti-scratch coatings and now blue light filtering lenses are available! For every pair you buy, a pair is distributed to someone in need. They also carry sunglasses which start at $95, including polarized lenses and available with a prescription, starting at $175. Just like eyeglasses, their sunglasses are available through the Home Try-On program. Warby Parker sunglasses feature premium polarized lenses that are scratch-resistant and provide 100% UV protection. And here’s a cool new feature: after you place your Home Try-on order, make sure to download the Warby Parker App from the iTunes App store. Their Home Try-On app companion feature allows you to quickly take photos wearing all the frames, stitch it into a video, and share it with friends and family to help you pick a winner. If you have an iPhone X, their brand-new "Find Your Fit" app feature uses the phone’s TrueDepth™ Camera to map and measure key facial features. Using these measurements, Find Your Fit recommends approximately 12 Warby Parker frames that are likely the best fit for your face. And their Virtual Try-On feature allows you to try on the eyeglasses so you can see the realistic color, texture, and size of each style, using just your phone. The process is seamless and takes only a few seconds! If you still need help, take their quiz! Answer a few quick questions and they’ll suggest some great-looking glasses that are totally personalized to fit your face and style. Head on over to warbyparker.com/legends to see how good looking seeing good can look!

Apparel, HealthForrest Burgess