The Simonside Dwarfs

The Simonside Hills rise up against the Northumberland town of Rothbury like green jewels. To this day, these hills remain part of a national park and so their natural beauty, and isolation, weighs heavy against the surrounding towns. It is a place where, even in the 21st-century one can find solitude, wonder...and perhaps something a little closer to myth than some people would like. You see, people and animals may not be the only things inhabiting these hills.

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In fact, it is likely that the history of the hills goes back before written record existed. Burial cairns have been found among the hills, along with ring rock carvings and other offerings. It seems that although no permanent settlements were ever established in the hills, people visited them quite often and for specific, usually reverent, reasons. 

The legend of the Simonside Dwarfs have been part of local legend for generations, as beings to respect and fear. They are said to live within the hills and, for the most part, they stay away from the local towns that remain close by. However, if a traveler wanders through the hills or if someone dares to trespass on their lands...they may not return.

Their history, and the respect locals have for them,  is centuries old and have been recorded for quite some time. For example, the Morpeth Gazette noted in 1889 that “it was dangerous for the solitary wanderer to venture” among the “tribe of ugly elves and dwarfs.”

They have multiple ways of accomplishing their terror. Sometimes, like spooklights or Will-o-Wisps they are said to mislead travelers by creating lights in the distance that resemble a home’s heart, thus leading weary or lost travelers deeper into the hills and closer to their death.

Simonside Dwarfs didn’t just rely on misleading lights, though. It was also said they used a whole host of glamours they would enact upon unsuspecting travelers. For example, one story highlights a man who, while lost, roamed into the hills and, near exhausting, was able to find a small cabin where he could rest and light a fire. Relieved at being safe for the night, the traveler soon settled in. However, as he was about to nod off his eyes suddenly fluttered open and he realized it was all an illusion and that he was about to roll off a high precipice.

Like other fair folk, you must be aware of their wily ways. If you see any small beings you must work hard to avoid them. Even if you are near danger, you must avoid their offers of food or shelter...lest you end up their victim.

Thanks to Kevin R for today’s #blogstonishing suggestion!

The above image is of a Simonside Crag by JohnDal licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

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