Debris from MH370?

Debris has just watched up on the beach in Mozambique that has tentatively been identified as a part from the same type of aircraft of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 (MH370). link

The debris shows the fixed leading edge of the right-hand tail section of a Boeing 777. MH-370 disappeared two years ago with 239 people aboard. It is the only known missing 777 to date.

The part is referred to as a "horizontal stabilizer" says it appears to be made with a fiberglass composite on the outside and aluminum honeycombing on the inside. The Malaysian transport minister, Liow tiong Lai, confirmed on his twitter account hat the discovery appears to have come from the missing plane.

Liow tweeted, "Based on early reports, high possibility debris found in Mozambique belong to a B777"

This is one of the first pieces possible leads in the search for the plane. Nothing of the passengers, their luggage...or even things designed to float (life jackets, seats, etc) have been discovered. This is particularly interesting as this search has been the most expansive (and expensive) in aviation history.

However, the finding of this possible debris is not necessarily unexpected. Authorities have long predicted that any debris from the plane that didn't sink to the bottom would eventually be carried by currents to the east coast of Africa.

The search, still on-going, is set to (tentatively) wrap up this year.

Check out some of our past blogs on MH-370 if you're interested in learning more about the story here and here.

The picture above is unrelated to the story and was taken by Flickr User Arun Katiyar it is licensed under Creative Commons.