Ep 44: The Mary Celeste – Ghost Ship Part 3
Photo Gallery:

1) An 1861 painting of the “Mary Celeste,” when it was first known as the ship “Amazon,” artist unknown. They probably should’ve stuck with “Amazon.” 2) Benjamin Spooner Briggs, the vanished captain of the ill-fated Mary Celeste. 3) A chart of the Currents in the Azores. 4) Chart showing the Mary Celeste’s course and the Dei Gratia’s course and where the Dei Gratia overtook her. 5) The Seaquake Article from the Leavenworth Newspaper in Kansas 6) A Waterspout (P.D.) 7) An engraving by Hendrik Hondius showing the Dancing Plague (P.D.) 8) Painting by Matthias Grünewald of a patient suffering from advanced ergotism (P.D.) 9) The MV Joyita as she was found (unknown) 10) The Kaz II as she was found. 11) Architeuthis (Giant Squid) (P.D.) 12) Architeuthis sanctipauli rendering based on a specimen found washed ashoer in Ile Saint-Paul in 1863 13) The Alecton attempts to capture a giant squid off Tenerife in 1861 from Henry Lee’s Sea Monsters Unmasked, London, 1884. 14) The Beak of a Giant Squid (P.D.) 15) Triplewort Seadevil (P.D.) 16) Captain Kirk holding a dead Tribble which was killed by a poison in the quadrotriticale, much like ergot might have killed someone eating grain. 17) A googley eyed Stubby Squid!
Whatever the confluence of unfortunate events that caused those on board the Mary Celeste to abandon her, one can surmise two possible final fates for them: either they perished in a maelstrom of sudden violence, or they died a languishing death of attrition. These two perils every sailor must acknowledge for the sea is a merciless mistress, but too cruel to imagine for the likes of a mother and child. If you wish to contemplate the mystery of the Mary Celeste, you would do well to remember the saying, the sea does not give up her secrets and as we’ve seen, she will often not part with her dead.
Tonight’s Quote:
“Duty is the great business of a sea officer; all private considerations must give way to it, however painful it may be.”
— Lord Horatio Nelson
Show Links:
We’ve found that some sites are not showing these links as clickable unless they are URLs, so until those outlets improve their show notes section, we are providing actual URLs next to the clickable description of each link to make things easier for our listeners!
- The Valletta Malta Tornado http://bit.ly/2belsPc
- Waterspouts http://bit.ly/2aX34ez
- Surface currents of the Azores in the Atlantic Ocean http://bit.ly/2b0LWzP
- Ergotism http://bit.ly/2b0KS55
- The Dancing Plague of 1518 http://bit.ly/1N2bzhW
- Dancing plagues and “Mass Hysteria” http://bit.ly/2b0KNZ6
- Another article on the Dance Craze of 1518 http://bit.ly/1PWJp9V
- From The Lancet: A forgotten plague: Making sense of dancing mania http://bit.ly/IOJ4HQ
- The Trouble with Tribbles http://bit.ly/2b0HQYp
- The Stubby Squid – the cutest, googly-eyed squid you’ve ever seen! http://cnn.it/2beHcYo
- The ARC’s Chris Cogswell’s experiment with alcohol ignition – DO NOT ATTEMPT! http://bit.ly/2bunvME
- Chris Cogswell’s The Mad Scientist Podcast http://bit.ly/2bzathn
- Solved! Chemist Dr. Andrea Sella and the Mary Celeste explosion http://bit.ly/2b0MK7C
- An Isopropyl Alcohol Explosion http://bit.ly/2b0KBJv
- Ancestry of Captain Benjamin Spooner Briggs http://bit.ly/2aXR1tx
- From Animal Planet – Diver attacked by Man-eating Super Squid! http://bit.ly/2bupQqU
- Giant squid attacks submarine – NOT Jules Verne’s Nautilus http://fxn.ws/2bgkdy1
- Giant squid attacks Russian fishing boat http://bit.ly/2bD76c8
- Giant Squid (Architeuthis) footage, January 27, 2013 http://bit.ly/1UdNQgH
- Guy Fieri’s recipe for Rhode Island Calamari http://bit.ly/2aU7MZg
- The mystery of the Australian sailboat The Kaz II http://bit.ly/2betpDL
- Australian Coroner ends the mystery of the Kaz II “Ghost Ship” http://bit.ly/2aXaxdI
- The ARC’s Chris Cogswell’s favorite ship graveyard http://bit.ly/1jPSTr9
- Mary Celeste: The Greatest Mystery of the Sea – http://bit.do/MaryCelesteBook
- The World’s Greatest Unsolved Mysteries (Mysteries and Secrets) – http://bit.do/worldsgreatestmysteries
- Capt Kirk and the Zumwalt – http://bit.do/captainkirk
- The Smithsonian’s Take on the Mary Celeste – http://bit.do/smithsonianCeleste
- HMS Friday – http://bit.do/hmsFriday
- Maritime Superstitions – http://bit.do/maritimesuperstition
- The Captain of the Polestar by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle – http://bit.ly/2avJYrN
- The Ship’s Cat – http://bit.do/shipscat
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The Dark Myths Collective
Episode 044 – “The Mary Celeste – Ghost Ship (Part 3)” Produced by Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess; Edited by Sarah Vorhees, Ryan McCullough Sound Design; Research Assistance by Tess Pfeifle and the astonishing League of Astonishing Researchers, a,k.a. The Astonishing Research Corps, or “A.R.C.” for short. Copyright Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess 2016. All Rights Reserved.