Ep 46: Skinwalker Ranch Part 2
Photo Gallery:

1 & 2) Original artwork by resident Astonishing Legends illustrator Chad Lewis, ©2016 Chad Lewis. Check out Chad’s website where he demonstrates his process for completing this piece, as well as the art for Part 1: [http://www.chadlewisart.com/]. This sketch is of a Skinwalker who has fully transmogrified, but as according to some Native American legends, still retains a blend of human and animal features, or “Manimal,” if you like. ©2016 Chad Lewis
If there are truly supernatural forces at work on the “Skinwalker Ranch,” they do not seem to have your best interests at heart. At the least, they seem to be indifferent to human concerns and endeavors, content to go on about their mysterious business and not above the occasional, seemingly magical prank, no matter the consternation or cost. At the worst, some entities may just want your animals or they may want the spark that gives you life. What the purpose is for their deeds and interactions we may never know nor ever fully understand, for it’s clear that their reasons are their own.
Tonight’s Quote:
“In the end, I suspect that this intense concentration of ‘paranormal’ activity could point us all toward a new understanding of physical reality, something that is already being debated at the highest levels of modern science.”
— Colm A. Kelleher, co-author along with George Knapp of The Hunt for the Skinwalker
Show Links:
We’ve found that some sites are not showing these links as clickable unless they are URLs, so until those outlets improve their show notes section, we are providing actual URLs next to the clickable description of each link to make things easier for our listeners!
- Interview with US Army Colonel, Ret. John Alexander from OpenMinds.tv http://bit.ly/2cbHZMf
- Colonel Alexander’s Amazing Website http://bit.do/colonelalexanderwebsite
- Werewolf, Wolfman, or Skinwalker? One man’s account from CryptoMundo.com http://bit.ly/2cum3KH
- The Ranch from Hell by David Perkins on aliendave.com http://bit.ly/2bUhCan
- Photos of the abandoned Ute hotel & convention center at Bottle Hollow http://bit.ly/2c6yuNu
- Contact – The Movie: Talking with Hadden – Finding the Key http://bit.ly/1Qp5riL
- Contact – The Movie: “Want to take a ride?” http://bit.ly/2cagBM3
- Peter Weyland’s 2023 TED Talk http://bit.ly/1DnM7QD
- The Native American Puebloan people’s ceremonial Kiva http://bit.ly/2cbI02I
- Skinwalkers – Who or What are They? from paranormal-encounters.com http://bit.ly/2cjh0Rs
- Chupas http://bit.do/chupas
- The Phoenix Lights http://bit.do/phoenixlightswiki
- Propaganda and Persuasion http://bit.do/propagandapersuasion
- Pseudocommunication http://bit.do/pseudocommunication
- Stuff You Should Know – Satanic Panic http://bit.do/sysksatanicpanic
- Orbs at Skinwalker http://bit.do/skinwalkerorb
- George Knapp Reddit AMA http://bit.do/knappAMA
- Waterbabies http://bit.do/waterbabies
- Bottle Hollow News http://bit.do/bottlehollownews
- Bottle Hollow Homicide http://bit.do/bottlehollowhomicide
- Fort Duchesne http://bit.do/FortDuchesne
- The 9th Calvary http://bit.do/ninthcalvary
- Hunt for the Skinwalker by Colm Kelleher and George Knapp https://amzn.com/B000FCKKXU
- Skinwalker Ranch by Ryan Skinner and D.L. Wallace https://amzn.com/B00KBDFYKW
- Why Do UFOs Love This Utah Ranch So Much? Brief overview from The Daily Beast http://thebea.st/1JDtjBt
- Comprehensive overview of Skinwalker Ranch from Altered Dimensions website http://bit.ly/1FnfiES
- Communion: A True Story by Whitley Strieber https://amzn.com/0061474185
- Is A Utah Ranch The Strangest Place On Earth? Part 1 of 2 from an article by George Knapp http://bit.ly/2bTkwl8
- Is A Utah Ranch The Strangest Place On Earth? Part 2 of 2 from an article by George Knapp http://bit.ly/2cgqwny
- Navajo Skinwalker legend http://bit.ly/2bL2L4l
- Skinwalker Ranch on Wiki http://bit.ly/2c2q3Vf
- 13 Stories of Encounters with Navajo Skinwalkers http://tcat.tc/2bKYvl8
- Skinwalker Ranch: Apocalypse Close Encounters – a documentary by Marc Coppell http://bit.ly/2bSrceY
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The Dark Myths Collective
Episode 046 – “Skinwalker Ranch (Part 2)” Produced by Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess; Edited by Sarah Vorhees, Ryan McCullough Sound Design; All Original Artwork by Chad Lewis, All Rights Reserved, Research Assistance by Tess Pfeifle and the astonishing League of Astonishing Researchers, a,k.a. The Astonishing Research Corps, or “A.R.C.” for short. Copyright Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess 2016. All Rights Reserved.