Ep 146: Lyle Blackburn – Cryptid Hunter
“When I was sitting in the car, I saw him from the neck down. He was outside the driver’s side window. After about two yards, he jumped on the roof. I saw hands, rough-looking black finger-nailed hands, sticking down from the windshield!”
– Chris Davis’ account of his encounter with the Lizard Man, from Lyle Blackburn’s book by the same name
To really study the paranormal, any good researcher will tell you one must get out in the field to investigate the sightings, and that is especially true when it comes to cryptozoology. This is precisely what our interview guest has done. Lyle Blackburn is a full-time author, musician, and cryptid researcher from Texas, whose life-long fascination with legendary creatures has led him to write several acclaimed books, including Momo: The Strange Case of the Missouri Monster, The Beast of Boggy Creek, and Lizard Man. Lyle is a frequent guest on radio programs such as Coast to Coast AM and has been featured on numerous television shows like Monsters and Mysteries in America, Finding Bigfoot, and Strange Evidence, as well as other programs airing on the Animal Planet, Destination America, Discovery Science, and A&E channels. In addition, Lyle is a regular contributor for the monthly horror magazine, Rue Morgue. Lyle can also be heard as the frontman for his rock band Ghoultown, along with narrating/producing several Small Town Monsters documentaries, including Terror in the Skies, Boggy Creek Monster, The Mothman of Point Pleasant, and Bray Road Beast. When he’s not chasing cryptids and writing about them or performing with his band, Lyle can be found speaking at various cryptozoology conferences and horror conventions around the United States. Tonight, we sit down with Lyle to discuss his books and his thoughts about some of the most chilling encounters with bizarre and frightening creatures ever reported.
Louisiana, Missouri, where a large, long-haired, man-like creature since known as “Momo” was spotted on multiple occasions by local residents.

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Episode 146: Lyle Blackburn – Cryptid Hunter. Produced by Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess; Audio Editing by Sarah Vorhees Wendel; Sound Design by Ryan McCullough; Tess Pfeifle, Producer and Lead Researcher; Research Support from the astonishing League of Astonishing Researchers, a.k.a. The Astonishing Research Corps, or "A.R.C." for short. Copyright 2019 Astonishing Legends Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.