Ep 276: The Ghosts of Versailles Part 2
“Il ne faut pas passer par là. Par ici…Cherchez la maison.” Translation, “You can’t go that way. This way, look for the house.”
In part 2 of our series on the Ghosts of Versailles, we’re looking into what transpired in the years following the initial incident. Charlotte Moberly and Eleanor Jourdain conducted intense research to figure out who or what they may have been interacting with on August 10th, 1901. That research led them, among many other things, to discover there was an insurrection on that exact day in 1792, 71 years earlier to the day. The Tuileries Place is not in Versailles but in Paris, 11 miles away. Revolutionaries with weapons wanted the Monarchy abolished. They waged an intense attack on the palace that Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were now living in on lockdown. On that day, 650 of the Swiss Guard were massacred by Jacobins and a group known as the Paris Commune. Once the Swiss Guard ran out of ammunition, they were slaughtered, and their bodies dismembered and paraded about the palace grounds. King Louis and Marie Antoinette had moved to a safer location in the Legislative Assembly Building. Moberly and Jourdain wondered if they might have somehow intersected with what no doubt would have been Marie Antoinette’s fearful and saddened state of mind that day. Is it possible she was reminiscing about happier times at her favorite place in the world, Le Petit Trianon? Could Moberly and Jourdain have somehow crossed paths with Antoinette's ghostly memories of happiness on the anniversary of the day that would mark the beginning of the end, not only for the King and herself but the Monarchy, too? We’ll discuss that and our theories about what may have happened and how the Ghosts of Versailles evolved into the story it is today.

The Palace of Versailles and more specifically Le Petit Trianaon where the Moberly-Jourdain Incident took place in August of 1901. About 12 miles west of Paris. Le Petit Trianon was gifted to Marie Antoinette by her husband Louise XVI and was considered to be one of her favorite places to spend time. One of the women believed they saw her sketching outside when they passed by on that very strange day.
The Ghosts of the Trianon (A reprint of 'An Adventure') at Amazon
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Episode 276: The Ghosts of Versailles Part 2. Produced by Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess; Special Guest Co-hosts, Richard Hatem & Marie Mayhew. Audio Editing by Sarah Vorhees Wendel of VW Sound. Music and Sound Design by Allen Carrescia. Tess Pfeifle, Producer and Lead Researcher. Ed Voccola, Technical Producer. Research Support from The Astonishing Research Corps, or "A.R.C." for short. Copyright 2024 Astonishing Legends Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.