Fresno Nightcrawlers

In recent memory, one the strangest creatures to make waves on social media are the Fresno Nightcrawlers. These strange creatures, which some people think of like intergalactic bugs, have only two believed sightings - one in Fresno, California and one in Yosemite National Park, California. 

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Although there have been multiple sightings and reported sightings, the most infamous one occurred in 2007. In November 2007, a man named Jose was startled from his sleep in his Fresno, California home by his dogs barking and security system. He had a security camera set up to record and alert any potential intruders. Likely a little flustered, he headed to check out the footage. But what he saw wasn’t someone trying to break into his home.

Jose saw what would become known as the Fresno Nightcrawlers when he reviewed the footage. These creatures were approximately 2-3 feet tall, with long legs that made up most of their body mass. He compared them to a pair of white pajama pants, walking through his lawn.

Confused as to what he had seen, he decided to send a copy to his local TV Station. They would then contact a paranormal investigator from Los Angeles, Victor Camacho. Jose did not want to share his last name or further reveal his identity, as he knew that many may believe him to be a hoaxer, or, even worse, just plain crazy. However, Camacho reached out to Jose and was able to discuss the video with him. However, he wasn’t able to conclusively prove the footage was or was not faked.

The History Channel Show, Fact or Faked, would also review and feature the footage on an episode. However, they also could not come to a conclusion over if the Fresno Nightcrawler Footage was beyond a doubt fact or fiction.

In March 2011, the Fresno Nightcrawlers made waves again. The Yosemite National Park security team had set up a few cameras to catch a group of people who had been breaking in and damaging property. When reviewing the footage one day, they came across what seemed to be another set of Fresno Nightcrawlers.

This video footage is what was allegedly seen, which you can review here.

The 2007 and 2011 footage of the Fresno Nightcrawlers, and a video shot in Poland, are typically regarded as the most concrete evidence and sightings. Dozens of other sightings have been reported, but may believe them to be fake or hoaxes.

It is no surprise that these strangely shaped creatures have attracted quite a bit of attention. The most popular, of course, is that they are aliens or some other being that perhaps got mixed up and ended up in someone’s backyard. 

While some theorists have tried to reach into Native American lore to find a similar creature that would have been discussed by tribes throughout California, no specific creature or link to folklore with a similar description have been discovered.

Other more terrestrial explanations believe it is a detailed hoax featuring video editing and some pants on a wire. Others think it may be a walking bird, small deer standing upright, or even a new species, like a primate.

The Fresno Nightcrawler is, as far as folklore goes, pretty young. So, definitely stay tuned as more sightings and research are discovered and brought to light!

Thank you so much, Renato R, for this #blogstonishing topic!

The blog image is from the Fresno Bee