Cattle Mutilations

We covered cattle mutilations quite a bit in our episode the 37th Parallel, but how could I say no for blogstonishing? This is a phenomenon you may be familiar with, especially if you were into the paranormal during the late 21st century when stories of cattle mutilations seemed to pop up everywhere. Before we get started, let’s define exactly what we mean by cattle mutilations. Cattle mutilation is an unexplainable livestock death that is usually (and strangely) bloodless. In addition to a lack of blood (either in or near the animal), there are also excisions or missing pieces including ears, lymph nodes, eyeballs, genitals, and even the rectum. While not limited to cattle, it is largely associated with cattle as opposed to other kinds of livestock.

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One of the most infamous stories is that of Richard Fazio, a farmer who found five of his cattle inexplicably dead. He said the cows’ remains were carefully dissected and scattered across different pastures. Their remains were so unusual they were sent to the Oregon State University and further analysis discussed that the removal of the organs, eyes, and tongues was consistent with marking from electrosurgical excision or heat-induced injury, likely from a laser. Students jokingly called these strange findings "Moo-F-Os"

When I only knew surface level about cattle mutilations, I wondered why anyone would jump so easily to aliens as the explanation instead of another paranormal entity. But, with mentions of lasers and excisions and bloodlessness…tech has to be involved. And, in the paranormal, we usually associate technological abnormalities with aliens.

But why would they be taking cattle instead of mutilating, you know, people? Well, to learn about us in a more harmless way. Because, here’s something funny: did you know that cattle hemoglobin is nearly an exact match for the hemoglobin found in you and me? That might explain the bloodlessness.

According to, Dr. Howard, host of the Alien Hour YouTube show, paranormal researcher, and doctor of veterinary medicine there are four main reasons that could explain cattle mutilation:

  1. To study the animal

  2. To test advanced weaponry

  3. To make a ritual sacrifice

  4. To seek the sick pleasure of torturing a defenseless being

He posits that there are 3 groups behind this: the government, those practicing black magic, and aliens. 

Of course, there are other theories. Some people believe the mutations are slightly blown out our proportion and often note that the body parts missing (ears, eyes, rectums, tongues etc) are often the first scavenged body parts

But there are still some woo-woo alternate theories. One of the strangest comes from Christopher O'Brien, a paranormal researcher, and author. After studying the phenomena, and speaking to veterinarians, pathologists, biologists, and even police O'Brien has come to a non-extraterrestrial theory. In fact, he believes that cattle mutilations are part of a shadowy operation of environmental monitoring. Why? Nuclear radiation testing, bacterial weapons, and other work are carried out privately and with plenty of high-tech. 

No matter how you slice it, something is definitely happening to cattle around the world and the question remains: why? (and secondarily, how?).

The blog image is by Daniel Aufgang. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.

Thanks to Aaron D for this blogstonishing suggestion!